Beautiful Family
Good Relationship is the strong agreement between two people. No relationship exist without a bond and attraction.
Being in a relationship is not the problem, but building a good and healthy relationship is the gateway to open a fruitful future.
There is a lot of unhealthy and unhappy relationship, because of the mentality and mindset backing the relationship. A lot of wrong ideology brought by both man or woman in a relationship that is suppose to be built to make a beautiful home has cause heartbroken and separation.
No good relationship start with fight, rotating malice and consistent abuse.
Every one who wants to build a good relationship needs to know this, no body want to stay in abusive and unhappy relationship. Every man or woman want stress free and happiness in their relationship.
5 Tips to build a good relationship
(1) Love
Love is a first thing everyone who wants to build a good and healthy relationship should look for. Without love, your relationship looks like a play ground.
He or she needs to see and feel that strong love to know he or she has find a good man or woman to spend the rest of life with.
Love is the spirit that drives both to have a wonderful home and children. Look at some couples who has been married for 60, 70 years without divorce. Questions: doesn't it mean there is misunderstanding or conflict, Yes, there is but because of the love they share to each other. They keep building a glorious home.
Maintaining the relationship is different from maintaining the first love. That love that makes you accept him or her, that love you suffer to create. You need to build that good relationship base on love, not on lust.
Any love that start with lust from the beginning will end up being a discussion for another day. You don't build relationship on lust, you build relationship on love.
(2) Honesty
One of the danger of unhealthy relationship and the cause of broken home today is dishonesty.
A relationship that lack honesty, lack harmony, progress and fruitfulness.
Build that relationship with honesty. Let him or her knows who you are. Don't hide your real identity. Always be plain and truthful.
No good relationship succeed without honesty. Build it with honesty from the beginning.
30 to 40% of divorce and separation occur because of dishonesty in the beginning of the relationship or courtship.
(3) Trust
Trust is growth of every good and happy relationship both in marriage or courtship.
Trust build in a relationship helps both couples to have a beautiful home.
As man or woman, you need to trust each other.
From experience: All my journey into intimacy both long and short distance relationship, I had no trust in a woman. I always think she's cheating on me. If I called her, and her call is on call awaiting, that day will be full of questions and answers. Sometimes it lead to misunderstanding and no communication for days, because I didn't build my mind and heart on trust towards her. But my last relationship that lead to marriage, I need to build that trust to my wife. I don't much bothered who called her or who is she talking to. Because everyday, she's with me at home.
Trusting your partner will take away high blood pressure and stress from you. Learn, build and taught trust for yourself to have a wonderful, beautiful and happy home. Home that people will learn from.
(4) Respect
Respect is never a thing of choice but a thing of consistent.
Respect is not for only women but for both couples, to help them avoid divorce and separation, and also build a good relationship. To also teach their children to have a better future.
Don't force respect, you earn respect. How do you earn respect? By doing what you need to do as a man or woman in the family. You know, we are leaving in the generation, where ladies do unimaginable things at home. Trying to be man, instead of woman God created her to be. That's shows no respect or re-guard to the man of the house. I didn't said, the man is perfect, he can make a mistakes, but that shouldn't be a way to disrespect him.
As a man, you respect yourself and wife both home and public. Every Woman Is created to be a mother, and should be respected.
Respect should never be far away from home. It's beautifier the relationship or marriage.
(5) Faithfulness
Faithfulness is the most important thing in a relationship or marriage.
Being faithful to your partner is what you should build on to have a healthy and peaceful relationship. No body wants to be heartbroken or get hurt. Even if your he or she is not good in bed, you can teach each other.
My ex was telling her boyfriend then that I don't know how to make love to her. I don't stay long before I realise. Well, that was then but now, I have master on how to handle a woman in bed. Don't worry, I will give you the tips on how to handle your partner in bed. How to be romantic in bed.
A lot of unfaithfulness in a relationship or marriage because of sexually intimacy.
What causes unfaithfulness in a relationship or marriage; Not sexually active, denying your partner sex, lack of care (especially for women) they love caring, etc.
Writing on what causes unfaithfulness. I will explain more on my next article
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